Friday, May 16, 2014

Telling lies no papa

 Telling lies no papa is what we were taught.

everybody lies at-least once every 10 minutes.


can’t agree?

see the list of most frequent lies everybody tells in everyday life


Most frequent lies

Most frequent lies

Context guessable lies

I'm fine

I’m sorry

I love you

very busy

Dinner was so delicious.

I have not received your message

No signal

I don’t lie

you are right sir

Don’t worry! It will be Okay!

Traffic jam

Fever, stomach pain

I’m in meeting

you are my only girl friend


Varieties of lies

lies are categorized as hurtful and unhurtful, black lies and white lies, self-focused and others-focused.

others-focused are the interesting one like the mother who thanks her four-year-old daughter for the tasty honey and sardine sandwich she made for her lunch.

Can you detect lies?

If you say yes. I say, we are not. we are not natural lie detector. we detect lies rarely, that too because of the liars poor performance. only professionals were able to detect lies 50 percent of time. Who are that professionals? who else they are police, judges and lawyers. interestingly in one of the study collage students were able to detect higher percent than professionals.


Out performers in lie detection

There are out performers in this subject whose winning rate is above 70%. How they do it?

they rely on what they are told and what they observe.


Response after a lie is told

Emotional response

like guilt, fear, stress and on occasion excitement.

Sympathetic Nervous response

this is the impact of the emotional response which results in finger tapping, fidgeting,  talking too quickly, avoiding eye contact and rapid eye movement.

Cognitive response

this is counter-measure attempt by the liar to cover up their clues.

such as clasping the hands so that they can control the finger tapping.





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